This call is expired

Tenure Track position in Mammalian Synthetic Biology

Start Wed, 16 Aug 2023 End Fri, 01 Dec 2023

The Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) is pleased to announce a new tenure-track opening in Mammalian Synthetic Biology.

We invite applications from a broad pool of diverse and dynamic, highly-motivated researchers to join our vibrant community of scientists. We seek creative thinkers who transcend traditional scientific boundaries, with the overarching goal of combining science and technology to improve human health.

We seek candidates with strong expertise in control engineering, mathematics, and computational biology with a focus on mammalian synthetic biology. The ideal candidate has recognized experience at the interface of systems and synthetic biology, with a multidisciplinary approach that includes the use of artificial intelligence to understand the complexity of biological systems and to build biomedical and industrial tools.

Additional plus is experience in synthetic immunology, or in optogenetic-based control systems in mammalian cells, or nanotechnology, biomaterials background with mammalian synthetic biology and modeling of these systems at its core.  

Candidates should hold a PhD degree and relevant experience, as well as an excellent record of accomplishments (publications, funding, awards etc.) in broad areas of synthetic biology, mathematical modelling of biological systems, control engineering approaches to genetically engineered devices, and molecular biology.

Who we are

IIT is a research foundation that promotes excellence in fundamental and applied science, fostering the evolution of industry towards the forefront areas of technological innovation. Top scientists and their teams, supported by all IIT technical and administrative staff, develop cutting edge, science and technology centered around the human being. IIT endorses the values of integrity, societal responsibility, courage, and inclusion.

IIT has state-of-the-art facilities and has rapidly established itself among top research institutes worldwide. IIT has a strongly international character, with more than 30% foreign researchers from more than 70 different countries.

What we offer

The successful candidate will be offered an open rank position. They will be intellectually and financially independent, within the provisions of the IIT policies and procedures, and will enjoy a start-up and operational package, as well as an internationally competitive salary and incentives. IIT also strongly encourages and assists its scientists in expanding their research scope by obtaining independent external support from national, European, international funding agencies, and industry.

Hiring procedures of IIT are based solely on scientific merit. Our search committees include members from foreign institutions to provide diverse, bias-free evaluations, and independent perspectives.

How to apply

The complete application must be submitted online by registering to IIT’s tenure track platform at Please do not e-mail documents to IIT’s members of staff unless prompted to do so.

The application consists of a single PDF file containing:

  • C.V., including list of published papers, patents, and research grants directly awarded to the candidate (as principal investigator or work-package coordinator)
  • 3-page research statement containing a summary of previous research contributions,  a detailed description of plans for future work and its integration in IIT setting and mission.

Applicants should also provide contact information of three  referees familiar with their research accomplishments. IIT will contact referees directly to ask for letters of recommendation.

Please register on the tenure track platform as soon as possible.

Formal requirements: A Ph.D. or equivalent graduate degree is required at the time of application.


Deadline for submission of applications is November 30, 2023.

Deadline for submission of reference letters is December 15, 2023.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to IIT for an interview indicatively during the spring 2024.


For further information about our Tenure Track searches, please send an email to

For information about IIT in general please visit

For information about careers and working conditions please visit



The information provided by candidates shall be solely used to assess their professional profile against the requirements of this call.

Candidates’ personal data shall be processed by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), based in Genoa, Via Morego 30, Italy, acting as Data Controller in compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data, including the rules on data security.

Candidates can exercise their rights at any time pursuant to articles 15 et. seq. of European Regulation no. 679/2016 (General Data Protection Regulation) by contacting IIT Data Protection Officer (phone Tel: +39 010 28961 - email:


Open positions

  • Mammalian Synthetic Biology